Call is now closed for abstracts
Please note that all contributions should have at least one registered author.
Contributions with no registered authors will be withdrawn.
Poster Instructions
An area of approximately 1m wide is reserved for each poster. Therefore, the standard A0 vertical (≈1,20m height x 0,85m width) is the recommended size.
Although the poster session will be only on Tuesday 14h20m to 16h00m, it is recommended that posters should be displayed from Monday to Wednesday morning.
It is expected that at least one author should be present near the poster during the poster session.
Pins and tape to hold the posters will be available in the secretariat.
Author Instructions
Contributions are welcomed from both academic and industrial sectors. They must present original and previously unpublished advances on knowledge and /or technology.
Abstracts should be sent before May 6, 2008 by email to metrovac@fct.unl.pt.
Topics are:
· Vacuum Science & Technique
· Applied Surface Science;
· Surface Engineering;
· Thin Films;
· Electronic Materials & Processing;
· Nanometer Structures;
· Surface Science;
· Plasma Science and Technique;
· Hard Coatings.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and those accepted will be published, before the beginning of the Conference, in a Book of Abstracts.
Abstract guidelines
The following fields have to be clearly filled:
- Title
- Authors (First name, middle initials optional, last name)
- Underline the presenting author.
- Email of the corresponding author (or presenting author if the same)
- Institution with full address including postal code
- Abstract body
- References
- Optional: references, 1 figure or graph
- Topic. Select one of the main topics: Applied Surface Science, Surface Engineering, Thin Film, Electronic Materials and Processing, Surface Science, Plasma Science & Technique and Hard Coatings
- Choose your preference for the type of contribution: oral or poster
Abstracts are limited to 300 words in the abstract body.
If an image is to be included, the corresponding amount of words should be omitted.
See an example
All authors are strongly encouraged to submit a manuscript for publication.
Selected papers will be published in a special volume (consecutively numbered) of Vacuum after peer review. The format and layout will be the same as for regular issues of the Journal.
The size of the articles will be 6 printed pages each for invited papers and 4 pages each for contributed papers, respectively. Contributions in the form of extended abstracts cannot be accepted.
The proceeding has to produce original papers (or serious reviews) also from invited speakers.
Publication date will be no later then August 2009.
Please note that
each printed page takes about 800 words in VACUUM without
any image.
Contributed papers— Download guide for
Manuscripts (3 copies) should be delivered
during the meeting in the conference secretariat.