
Venue will be at the Caparica Campus of Universidade Nova de Lisboa on June 22-25, 2008. This is very close to the beaches of Costa da Caparica only 20 minutes far from Lisbon. The weather in this season, is usually perfect to enjoy the beauty of South Lisbon seaside landscape. Companions are welcome, since they will also have much to enjoy.
A high level scientific program is planned with many reputed scientists invited to give talks on the state-of-art of science and technology of the conference topics.
Students, both graduation and pos-graduation are highly encouraged to be present. Submitted papers will be published in Vacuum after peer review.
We hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be an exciting meeting, both scientifically and culturally, and we look forward to meet you in Caparica.
Orlando M.N.D Teodoro
José L. de Segovia

Conference & Exhibition Floor Plan